Russia Mojayskoye Highway Project, 2013
Beam Launcher
In year 2013, one set of Beam Launcher was supplied for reconstruction of the steel bridge in Mojayskoye Highway Project
Equipment Information:
Span: ≤ 50m
Rated Lifting Weight:: 120t
Max. Long. Slope: 4%
Max. Hor. Slope: 2%
Trolley Lifting Speed: 1.0m/min
Trolley Running Speed: 4.25m/min
Trolley Side-shift Speed: 2.36m/min
Overall Machine Running Speed: 4.25m/min
Overall Machine Side-shift Speed: 2.45m/min
Min Plan Curve: 350m
Overall Power: 90KW
Overall Machine Size: 90.0m X 12m X 9.6m
Overall Machine Weight: 225.5t